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flatearth 發表於 2019-10-28 10:06

Zumba Dance 尊舞

Zumba Dance 尊舞

Now…most people, including some Christians would probably say, “Okay, so what’s wrong with that?” Well, do you still go to the club? Do you dance like that in church? Do you think God would be pleased by you shaking your butt in a crowd of women and men (possibly behind you who could be struggling with lust or homosexuality), doing hip thrusts, and popping it up to secular music (which I know some churches use Christian music to do it as well)? I also believe that some people may say, “Well, I do it at home alone or I can just turn the music down.” BUT what are you watching? Think about it…let me help you…other women and men shaking it up. The Bible says in Psalm 101:3, “I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes. I hate what unfaithful people do. I want no part of it” (God’s Word Translation). We have to learn to live from the inside out, because God sees everything…in church, at home, even in the gym, etc. He sits high and looks down low. There are no ceilings with God.

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